
Change to and start to change a life

Sign up with and we’ll donate $25 to CHF.

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Where do the donations go?

When you sign up with through our CHF program, you help provide valuable funding to support:

Medical equipment icon.
Medical equipment

Emotional safety and child development programming

Professional training icon.
Health professional training

Family support icon.
Family support

Research icon

Why we partner with CHF

Helping children and youth in our community get a good start in life is something we are extremely passionate about and Children’s Hospital offers the most advanced paediatric care in its region. The work they do is near and dear to our hearts because CHF has helped several staff members and their families through difficult times. You can read more about our personal connection to this amazing organization in our blog post.

Children's Hospital patient.
Children's Health Foundation Stand By Me.

Children’s Hospital continues to care for many kids diagnosed with life-threatening and life-limiting diagnoses, from cancer and heart disease to mental illness and premature birth. Each year, it is counted on by more than 56,000 children, from birth to age 18. By signing up for internet service with, you get to help make a real difference in the lives of countless children who will be helped by CHF.

Switch to and support CHF by calling:
1-888-706-0001 or visit